Welcome! 👋
Conference season is a busy time for everyone. Things fall through the cracks and sometimes priorities need to be reshuffled. I chose to reshuffle things this past week in between recovering from one trip, planning two workshops for clients, speaking at a conference, and preparing for the trip that I'm leaving on today. 😰
Needless to say, the newsletter was one of the things that got dropped. While I'm frustrated that decision needed to be made, I'm proud of myself for keeping to my prioritization shelf metaphor and focusing on the top priorities, the most important of which is taking care of myself.
I'll be pulling together Thursday's newsletter amidst travel over the next few days -- finding all of the best snippets of information for you from all over the interwebs. As always, if you've found something particularly awesome that you think I should include, be sure to let me know and I'll include a shout-out!
Until Thursday,
-Mary (@mary_grace)
Events 📆
Developer Relations Events
DevRelCon London is happening this week (hence my last trip of the conference season)! If you're going to be there, be sure to track me down. I'll be at the unconference as well as the main conference day. See you all across the pond!
Not able to attend DevRelCon? Never fear... there are other events happening around the world just for you! If you're hosting another event which should be on this list, just drop me a line and I'll add it to the schedule.
Jobs 👩💻

Developer Relations Lead - Kauri
Kauri is hiring a Developer Relations Lead to help grow the Open Source Ethereum ecosystem. Kauri is the Ethereum community's knowledge network and works with pioneering blockchain projects to crowdsource technical content on how to build blockchain based applications. You’ll learn how to build applications on Ethereum using the emerging web3 technical stack, and help the community do the same through conference appearances, participating in social media, and writing technology guides on kauri!
Jobs 👩💻
Developer Relations Jobs
I know how important the job search is for so many folks right now, which makes this link a top priority for me. The list has been cleaned out; old jobs removed and new ones put in. Be sure to take a look and feel free to reach out if there are any in particular you have a question about.