Welcome! 👋

Welcome to another jam-packed week of Developer Relations content! As job titles like Developer Advocate and Community Manager are becoming more mainstream, I think we'll start to see more references to our roles in a variety of television shows and media, but until then, clips like this one are still pretty rare. My favorite part has to be when Sue struggles to put a label on what she does on a day-to-day basis 😅

In other news, if your DevRel team helps to manage an online community of any kind, please take 15 minutes this week to fill out the annual State of Community Management survey. As you've heard me say in past years, this survey is one of the most important resources for our industry. The information they release every year helps us make a better business case for DevRel teams around the world.

On that note, I'll let you dive into this week's content. Scroll down for more information about budgets, documentation, developer experience, and more!

Mary (@mary_grace)
DevRel Weekly Patreon

DevRel Weekly  

Tidbits 🕔

Tangibles 🤓

Tangents 🐰

Storytime 📚

Events 📆

Jobs 👩‍💻