Welcome! 👋
It's been a rough few weeks around the world, friends. 😓 I hope you're all taking care of yourselves. As Community Folks reminded us this week, burnout (whether from work, personal life, or other issues entirely) is real, and taking a break from the cause is the only way to recover (though I acknowledge is definitely a privilege to step away from current events, however momentarily).
I learned from a psychiatrist a few weeks ago that burnout can cause PTSD, which means even if you're fully recovered from a burnout episode,which can take years, it can rear its ugly head at a moment's notice when patterns seem to be repeating themselves.
All that to say, if you find yourself struggling, take a step back. Find things that give you a positive net energy rather than taking even more energy away. And managers - do what you can to protect your team (and yourself!) from burnout as well.
Sending virtual hugs around the world.
Mary (@mary_grace)
DevRel Weekly Patreon
Tidbits 🕔
Both Open Discussions and Private Chats can be Helpful
The separate perks of open discussions & private chats in a community:
Open discussions are a good way to share ideas and come up with solutions.
On the other hand, private chats offer confidentiality. Useful to get specific feedback from members.
Control Your Destiny
Whoever controls your distribution controls your destiny.
It should be YOU.
It's more important than ever to build a direct connection with your customers and community.
Prioritize Good Inbound Content
My bad twist on an old Chinese proverb:
"The best time to write good inbound content was 6 months ago. The second best time is now"
When should your DevRel career begin?
This question from Julia Furst Morgado sparked a great conversation this past week:
Can one begin their career as a #DevRel, or should they get experience as a Software Engineer first?
What are your thoughts?
Tangibles 🤓
Building a Content Strategy in 5 Steps
Looking to build out a robust content strategy? Lindsey Leesmann gives you a 5-step process in this post. Don't miss out on that last one: once you've created a strategy, make sure you have a clearly identified owner!
What does it mean to build community at the speed of trust?
If you're looking to scale your community quickly, take a look at this recent blogpost from Fabian Pfortmüller. The key is to start small and gently grow bigger when you're trying to build up a strong community that is authentic and generates trust.
Storytime 📚

Dev Spotlight
The best at creating technical content for developers and IT leaders. Trusted by Twilio, Salesforce, MongoDB, SolarWinds, and more. Schedule a call now.
Storytime 📚
DevRel Podcasts and Videos
- Building Thriving Developer Communities with Rosie Sherry & Nimrod Kramer - Developer Advocast (video)
- DevRel in Web3 with Rex St John - The DevRelX Podcast
- Making “Devrelopment” Your Own with Priyanka Vergadia - Screaming in the Cloud
Events 📆
DevRel Events
There have been a lot of events scheduled for this season! It seems that the world is eager to get back to normal again! Be sure to check our our Event Collection for something of interest before the lull hits.
Jobs 👩💻

Developer Advocate
Adapty helps mobile app developers grow in-app subscriptions. We’re looking for our first DevRel/Dev Advocate who can be the voice of our 3k+ community. We’ve seen companies growing 10x with our product and it’s our mission to help developers learn how to make money with their apps. You’ll start hands-on building trust and knowledge in our community and later lead and build our devrel team.

Senior Developer Advocate
With the explosive growth of data and the accelerated movement to digitization, data has become the lifeblood of businesses. But these businesses are unable to build delightful data-driven experiences fast enough. Join us in our journey early-on and help shape the future of data infrastructure! At Tigris Data our Developer Relations team is tasked with building awareness and adoption of Tigris database platform.
Jobs 👩💻
DevRel Jobs
Developer Evangelist, Technical Community Manager, DevEx Engineer, do any of these titles sound interesting to you? We have loads of new positions coming in daily. Come and see what we have!