Welcome! 👋
Happy DevRel Weekly Day, DevRel friends! I hope your week has been productive and energizing. If you're looking for a bit of inspiration to get things back on track, look no further than the links below! There's sure to be something to get you excited about the work ahead of you.
Mary (@mary_grace)
DevRel Weekly Patreon
Tidbits 🕔
Great Communities Take Work
Great communities don't happen by chance or overnight 🌖
They result from a great community manager, armed with a well-thought-out community management strategy 🚀
It's Not Propaganda
▶️ Developer Propaganda = making sure developers will use your company's product.
▶️ Developer Relations: making sure developers will be successful with their implementations — while building enough trust where your product may come into play.
DevRel Advice Column
What advice would give to a brand new #devrel with a lot of passion, but not a lot of knowledge?
Tangibles 🤓
How to Use Data to Prioritize Community Activities
When considering what projects or programs you should pursue next, it's of course important to talk to your community and consider their needs. But the most important thing, arguably, is to look at the data. What has worked in the past? What might work in the future? What hypotheses do we have that can be confirmed (or rejected) by asking the right questions? Rich Millington covers these topics and more in this recent article.
From SysAdmin to Developer Relations!
As the DevRel industry continues to grow, more people are wondering how to make the transition from Developer, SysAdmin, or Engineer to Advocate. Sarah Lean recently shared a short summary of her journey, as well as her top tips.
The Community-Building Checklist: A Quick-Start Guide
If you're a fan of checklists, you'll love this recent post from Alex Angel. Even if you've already launched your community, as Alex says, it's never too late to get back to basics and build stronger foundations for your community.
Tangents 🐰
The 2 Things to Attract Developers to Your Product, or Marketing to Developers
If your company is starting to explore "bottom-up go-to-market" strategies, this article from Marshall England is one you'll want in your back pocket. Marshall walks through why developer marketing is an integral part of the adoption and sales cycle, as well as some of the key items to consider as you get ramped up.
Storytime 📚

Slack vs. Discord vs. Discourse
Which is the right tool for you and your community? In this in-depth comparison, we consider community size, engagement model, and capabilities to help you determine the best fit.
Storytime 📚
DevRel Podcasts and Videos
- Making Community Work For Your Organization with Phoebe Shin Venkat - The Community Corner
- Diving Deep Into DevRel with Nader Dabit and Pachi Carlson - Dev Discuss
- Developer Relations with Josh Long - Software Defined Talk
- How to get started in developer relations by Jono Bacon (video)
- Engaging Communities of Makers - People who Build with their Bare Hands with Dale Dougherty - Oracle Developers (video)
- How to create a conference talk or presentation submission that gets accepted by Jono Bacon (video)
- Engagement, Webinars, Content and "That's Not My Pile of Sh*t" - Peers over Beers
- Community Magic, Asset Based Community Development & why People Work for Free with Richard Millington - Masters of Community
- Ideas on How to Increase Engagement by Paul Jones (video)
Events 📆
DevRel Events
As events are starting to migrate back to in-person venues, keep an eye on our Events Collection to see what might be happening in your area soon!
Jobs 👩💻

Developer Advocate
Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables distributed teams to work together effectively. Join the team as a Developer Advocate to engage with developer communities around the world, evangelise the Miro open developer platform, and provide developers and partners the support and guidance they need to be successful.

Head Of Developer Relations
We are seeking a talented DevRel Lead to build our Developer Relations practice from the ground up! This is an exciting role where you will work directly with builders in enterprises, collaborators at Add-on partners, the broad open source community, and the core Ockam engineering team.
Developer Relations Lead
Dagster is an open-source toolkit for building data platforms. Engineers, analysts, and scientists use Dagster to develop, deploy, and monitor their data pipelines and explore the assets they produce. Elementl, the company behind Dagster, is hiring its first Developer Relations Lead to help grow the community.
Jobs 👩💻
Developer Relations Jobs
Looking for a new gig? Check out a variety of DevRel-related jobs in our collection.