Welcome! πŸ‘‹

If you need a bit of a pick-me-up this week, this thread started by Mano Marks is one to read (or bookmark for later when you need a smile). Josh Ragland said this to summarize (I took some liberty with substituting Developer Advocate for Developer Relations):

If you're [in Developer Relations] - thank you. Your work is often unclear to those outside of your role, but to see the positive impact [Developer Relations professionals] have on those around them is always awesome. So, thank you.

I hope that brings a smile to your faces today, DevRel fam! If you need another reason to smile, the ability to preorder this book should do it! I've been trading ideas back and forth with David Spinks, Cofounder of CMX, for years now, and I can't wait to see what he's put together! It's sure to be a fantastic resource.

Have a great rest of your week.

Mary (@mary_grace)
DevRel Weekly Patreon

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